Men Collection
The Grand Trine Life SystemThe Grand Trine Life System
We endeavor to guide each member or client to become the highest and best version of themselves

The Grand Trine Life System

The Chronicle of Grand Trine

The Chronicle of Grand Trine

At Grand Trine we endeavor to guide each member or client to become the highest and best version of themselves. That, more or less is our motto. The tenets and operating principles of Grand Trine can be defined as being natural, organic, indigenous and shamanistic in origin. They arise out of the universal patterns and blueprints existing in nature. The Grand Trine Life System® is certainly one of the more advanced life systems in the Western Hemisphere. Our products are designed to offer real value. The Grand Trine Life System is rooted in the Amanmere Research Project. From 1990 to 1996 Master Yao studied the advanced aspects of indigenous and shamanistic cultures. The core of this research was direct contact with a series of shaman, medicine men, holy men, swami, guru, mid-wives, okomfo, priests, seers and oracles. The contact with such high level shamans and healers from around the world opened the door to an even more profound experience. Amanmere served as the first layer of the system, but many other layers were added.

About The Company

Grand Trine is an adult education and training company. Grand Trine is short for the Grand Trine Life System®, the system upon which the products and programs are based. The courses address overall personal wellness, spiritual maturity, sexual fitness, financial wellbeing, and masculine and feminine archetypes. The company also sells books, which support the programs. We offer private coaching/training for those upscale clients who desire a program tailored to fit their individual needs. The company was started in 1996 under the name Black River Press. The revised adult training component was launched in 2010. The company offices are located in Atlanta, Georgia. Yao Nyamekye Morris founded the company and is the current C. E. O.
Grand Trine services include:

Grand Trine services include:

One of a kind courses Books Private coaching/training programs The Membership

Policy & Privacy

Attendance at exclusive events/activities may require an additional fee. Some workshops, events, and entertainment may contain adult content. Persons must be 18 years of age or older to attend. The membership and its collective activity is a “private space”. As such, any member may not share information, video, recordings, photos, or information of other members without the written permission of the authorized staff of Grand Trine. Members agree to hold Grand Trine, its corporate agents, employees, and Master Yao harmless against any loss or injury resulting from engagement or participation. Tuition fees paid for courses and workshops are non-refundable. The fees paid for books are non-refundable, except when the product is not delivered. The videos, documents, Tantra techniques, and general content are the intellectual property of Grand Trine and as such may not be shared, copied, duplicated, distributed, or taught without express written prior permission.